Bitumen premix grout L
Bitumen premix grout L
ready-to-use solvent-based grout with fine-grained minerals
- LEUBIT® Bitumen premix grout L is a ready-to-use solvent-based grout with fine-grained minerals.
- LEUBIT® Bitumen premix grout L is very smooth, allowing it to penetrate into pores and cavities. The product only needs to be applied once for complete pore filling and surface sealing.
- LEUBIT® Bitumen premix grout L regenerates binders on old asphalt surfaces, and resists surface water immediately after application.
- Compliant with ZTV BEA-StB 09/13 and TL Sbit-StB 15 road construction and asphalt codes.

25 kg bucket |
24 buckets per pallet |
- LEUBIT® Bitumen premix grout L is used for sealing asphalt surfaces and base courses, repairing worn asphalt surfaces, and remedying asphalt surfaces that have become rough or porous for reasons such as construction faults.
- Apply the product in dry weather at substrate temperatures of at least +5°C. The asphalt surface must be dry and completely clean. Mix thoroughly and spread the material evenly onto the substrate, and even the product out to a thin layer using a rubber squeegee or Schlämmeboy spreader.
- Briefly allow to set, and hand-scatter 3-5 kg/m² quality crushed sand at 0/2 mm grain, fine gravel at 1/3 mm grain or slightly bituminised sand onto the treated surface.
- Pay close attention to the safety data sheet as it contains safety information on storage, transport and handling bitumen LEUBIT® premix grout L.
- Use a light roller to apply the sand or grit if treating large surfaces.
- Roadways may be opened for traffic at a temporary speed limit of 40 kph or 25 mph immediately after scattering.
- Material consumption: about 0.8 to 1.3 kg/m² on asphalt concrete, or 1.5 to 2.0 kg/m² on asphalt binders or asphalt base courses.
- The product only needs to be applied once.
- Shelf life in sealed original containers: 12 months.
- Not sensitive to frost.
- Bitumen binder
- Flash point (DIN 53213, Part 1): above 21°C
- Density at 20°C: approx. 1,650 kg/m³
- Solids: approx. 81% by weight
- Consistency: thixotropic fluid
- Cleaning agent: LEUBIT® eco cleaner
- Always dispose of empty canisters and residual content according to your local, regional, national or international regulations.
- Bitumen blend containing solvents
- Minerals
- Adhesives